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The release of this document establishes public prior use of the name
"ARMix" as referred to in this document. This document in it's entirety
is (c) Copyright 1993 H.Rogers, all rights reserved. UNIX is a registered
trademark of AT&T Corporation, Unix Systems Laboratories.
UnixLib v3.6c will be the _last_ release of UnixLib. UnixLib functionality
will shortly be replaced by ARMix - a POSIX kernel extension to RiscOS
with associated libraries. ARMix will provide virtual memory, preemptive
scheduling, windowed terminals, full POSIX process and file management,
BSD network library support, and support for an eventual port of the BSD
filesystem. ARMix is scheduled for Alpha release in May 1993. Please
contact the address at the end of this document for more information.
This version is being released as a stop gap measure to provide UnixLib
users with some bugfixes. Do not base long term development on UnixLib
any longer - it will shortly be obsolete and is no longer actively supported
by the author. In particular code written for ARMix already providing
superior functionality to UnixLib includes an interrupt driven POSIX compliant
terminal driver with dynamically loadable hardware support modules, POSIX
compliant RiscOS 3.10 filesystem interface, POSIX/BSD process management
and signals, and a virtual memory system. The design of ARMix is completed -
the work remaining is comparatively routine coding. UnixLib is very non
compliant with POSIX - ARMix is written from scratch to be 100% POSIX
H.Rogers 14/2/1993
UnixLib v3.6c (29/8/1992)
This is a complete replacement ANSI compliant C library for use
with Acorn RiscOS ANSI C Release 3.0/3.1A/3.1B/4.0. It incorporates a
subset of the UNIX system call interface and some common System V and
4.3 BSD C libraries. There is *no* Acorn software in this library - take
note Acorn! ;-)
Recent changes to UnixLib are documented towards the end of this file.
Directories marked '#' below contain proprietary source code. Source code
in these directories is Copyright 1990/1991/1992 H.Rogers and XFM Software,
and may only be distributed or modified in connection with UnixLib
development. All other use or distribution is strictly prohibited.
This entire paragraph and the list of directories below must be present
in a file called "ReadMe" in a prominent place on all media used to
distribute the aforementioned source code or derivations thereof. Failure
to comply with the above requirements is breach of copyright and other
international laws.
!Alias * Alias file (see "ReadMe")
!Boot !Boot for UnixLib maintenance
clib * Library directory
clib.h * UnixLib ANSI header files
clib.o * UnixLib directory
clib.o.unixlib * UnixLib itself
clib.sys.h * UnixLib specific header files
etc * UnixLib version of /etc
ReadMe * Documentation for UnixLib - this file
src Source code
src.ReadMe Documentation for source code
src.o UnixLib portable object code
src.c # UnixLib portable source code
src.stdio.o UnixLib stdio object code
src.stdio.c # UnixLib stdio source code
src.unix.c UnixLib UNIX emulation source code
src.unix.o UnixLib UNIX emulation object code
src.sys.c UnixLib RiscOS related source code
src.sys.s UnixLib RiscOS related source code (ARM code)
src.sys.o UnixLib RiscOS related object code
test UnixLib test programs
test.ReadMe Documentation for test programs
Asterisked files/directories are those that are necessary to compile
programs with UnixLib. If you are installing UnixLib onto a hard disk you
are advised not to change the organization of the directory tree other than
to move etc into the root directory, since updates will be issued with
this structure.
!Alias *must* be executed before using this library. It contains necessary
command line aliases that need to be set for the C compiler to work correctly
with UnixLib. Comments in the file explain it. RTFM to see what the command
line arg.s do. !Alias can of course be inserted into any other command file.
!Boot contains !Alias, and also sets up other aliases to facilitate
maintenance of UnixLib. These are documented within the !Boot file.
All the header files, etc. are completely different from the Acorn
equivalents. You *must* have the entire clib directory completely separate
from any Acorn code or header files. If you do not have it called 'clib' in
the root directory you may need to modify !Alias.
Csh style command line redirection is now inbuilt to UnixLib. UnixLib programs
that are invoked direct from OS_CLI scan the command line for redirections at
the same time as performing argument processing. UnixLib programs invoked as
children of other UnixLib programs inherit the parent's file descriptor set
(as in UNIX), and therefore do not perform this scanning. Redirection
directives that are supported are: ">", ">>", ">&", ">>&", "<".
There are environment variables specific to UnixLib programs; some are new to
v3.6c and others have had their names changed:
Unix$uid: If set, then it's value is used to set the UNIX uid.
Unix$tty: controls which terminal file programs use - if unset or set
to "/dev/console" or "/dev/tty" then the console (Archimedes keyboard/screen)
is assumed; if set to "/dev/rs423" then the RS423 port is used. Other names
may be allocated in future for multiple serial I/O ports, Econet, etc. Note
that these names may be used by UnixLib programs to open the corresponding
All user settable environment variables particular to UnixLib are prefixed
with Unix$ or UnixFS$. However certain state information internal to UnixLib
is stored in variables prefixed with UnixLib$ - such variables should be
ignored and not altered or deleted. UnixLib$dir (set by the !Alias command
file in this distribution) is only used when compiling with UnixLib, and does
not need to be set for UnixLib compiled programs to run.
The standard UNIX environment variables which control the behaviour of some
of the C libraries are as normal - SHELL, TERM, TERMCAP, etc. Note that
system() ignores the requirement for a shell if SHELL is unset, but calls
SHELL with the '-c' option (as per UNIX) is it is set. I.e. if you have GNU
bash in adfs::4.$.library you should set SHELL to "adfs::4.$.library.bash".
Filename conversion:
Programs compiled using UnixLib now intelligently scan pathnames (complex
filenames consisting of components delimited by '/') and work out for
themselves whether a RiscOS or UNIX initial component is being used. With
very few exceptions existing RiscOS and UNIX applications will work
without alteration.
Filename suffix translation can now be customised. The variable UnixFS$sfix
can be set to a colon separated value list of filename suffixes that are to
be aliased to RiscOS subdirectories. If it is unset the default list is
"a:c:f:h:i:l:o:p:s:y". I.e. "hero.c" gets translated to "c.hero".
UNIX style pathnames can now contain RiscOS style components:
adfs::4.etc/passwd all translate to: adfs::4.$.etc.passwd
<UnixLib$Dir>.clib/o all translate to: <UnixLib$Dir>.clib.o
<UnixLib$Dir>/clib.o translates to: <UnixLib$Dir>.o.clib
/<UnixLib$Dir>/clib.o translates to: $.<UnixLib$Dir>.o.clib
/SCSIFS::$/tmp/<Temp> translates to: SCSIFS::$.tmp.<Temp>
/clib all translate to: $.clib
@.clib both translate to: @.clib
clib translates to: clib
ThisIsVeryLong## translates to: ThsIsVryLn
If there exists a directory called $.src.ulib.src.unix then:
will translate to:
otherwise it will translate to:
Pathnames referring to UNIX devices (of the form "/dev/xxx") are treated
specially and refer to appropriate devices. Unrecognised devices are
translated to "xxx:". Current recognised devices are "/dev/tty",
"/dev/console", "/dev/rs423" and "/dev/null".
Variables of the form UnixFS$/xxx are used to alias UNIX pathnames commencing
"/xxx", "/usr/xxx" or "/var/xxx". I.e. UnixFS$/etc controls the translation
of "/etc", "/usr/etc" and "/var/etc". The files in "etc" on the distribution
disk should be present in this directory. If you have a hard disk, just one
copy of "etc" should be present on the hard disk, and UnixFS$/etc should be
set to something like "adfs::4.$.etc".
In a similar way, UnixFS$/tmp, UnixFS$/bin and UnixFS$/usr can be used to
alias "/tmp", "/bin", and "/usr". Note however that UnixFS$/bin will be
consulted to translate "/usr/bin" before UnixFS$/usr is consulted to
translate "/usr". A pathname commencing "/xxx" where UnixFS$/xxx is unset
defaults to "$.xxx". A pathname commencing "/usr/xxx" where UnixFS$/xxx is
unset and UnixFS$/usr is unset defaults to "$.usr.xxx".
"/tmp" and "/usr/tmp" are used by UnixLib programs for temporary files.
UnixFS$/tmp should be set to a suitable directory, preferably on a hard disk.
"/bin" and "/usr/bin" are expected by some UNIX software to contain standard
UNIX utilities (ls, cat, sh, etc.). If necessary, UnixFS$/bin should be set
to a directory containing UNIX utility programs.
"/pipe" is used to store temporary files for the pipe() system call.
Preferably UnixFS$/pipe should be set to a directory on a hard disk or RAM
disk for decent throughput.
Filename conversion - details:
A pathname consists of a series of components delimited by '/'. If a component
consists of a string like "dir.file", "dir.dir.file", etc. then the converter
checks that "dir" (or "dir.dir" in the second example) exists. If it does
then the component is considered to be a native RiscOS component and remains
Any component starting with a RiscOS variable reference like "<Var>",
"<Var>.Path" or "<Var>Path" is untranslated.
Any _initial_ component matching the following patterns remains untranslated:
* A component commencing with a RiscOS filesystem and media specifier
* A component commencing with a RiscOS media specifier (":Media.Path")
* A component commencing with a RiscOS filesystem specifier ("FS:Path")
* A component commencing with the root, current, library, upper,
user-root, or previous directories ("$.Path", "@.Path", "%.Path", "^.Path",
"&.Path", or "\.Path")
Initial components not matching these patterns will then be checked as
described above, using the "UnixFS$/*" environment variables.
All translated components are checked for filename suffix processing as
described above, using the "UnixFS$sfix" environment variable. Translated
components are also intelligently truncated to 10 characters in length if
necessary, firstly by removing vowels other than the first character, then by
forcible truncation of any excess. I.e. "ReadMe_First.c" gets translated
to "c.RdMe_First".
Look at the header files for detailed technical information. "sys/syslib.h",
"sys/unix.h", "sys/dev.h", and "sys/tty.h" deal with library specific stuff.
"sys/os.h" provides a RiscOS interface. "sys/param.h" only defines MAXPATHLEN
and MAXHOSTNAMELEN - some code may expect more from it. Note that all the
ANSI prototypes for the system calls are in "unistd.h". The prototypes for
the termcap library are in "termcap.h" (which is not a standard file).
Summary of changes from earlier versions, and some notable features of v3.6c:
* scanf() has been debugged (from v3.6b).
* The execve() system call has been further recoded. The return
values of child processes are now correctly returned to the parent via
wait(), and system() returns with this value or -1 on error.
* The handler for unknown SWIs is no longer activated - the WIMP
generates spurious unknown X bit-set SWIs which halted UnixLib programs
running under TaskWindow.
* The TIOCGWINSZ & TIOCSWINSZ ioctl()s are implemented, allowing
UNIX programs to get and set the text & graphics window sizes. The termcap
library has been updated to use these ioctl()s and has also been given
a builtin termcap entry for "acorn0" which is used when /etc/termcap cannot
be found.
* alloca() is now properly implemented and cooperates with setjmp()
and longjmp() which have also been recoded.
* __uname() (UNIX -> RiscOS filenaming) has been recoded from 3.6b.
It now works 99% of the time both with existing RiscOS applications and
UNIX applications by 'intelligently' assessing whether a pathname is RiscOS
or UNIX. The exact pattern matching process is detailed above.
* The file descriptor tables (both UNIX & stdio) have been increased
to allow up to 64 open files (256 open files would imply overlarge tables -
e.g. 10k for the UNIX FD table).
* x$remainder() & x$uremainder() are provided for backwards
compatibility with old Release 3 compilers.
* Csh style command line redirection is supported and argv[0] is no
longer scanned.
* The escape character is no longer altered by UnixLib. ioctl() now
correctly reads & updates the escape character and status.
* UnixLib programs now work properly with !DDT - all writeable data
and self modifying code segments in UnixLib are in AOF writeable areas.
* execl(), execve(), etc. are provided, and in conjunction with
vfork() allow multiple levels of process stacking.
* system() has been debugged.
* getenv() no longer increases memory allocation every time it's
* vfork() is provided. Check the UNIX manual page for vfork() *before*
compiling programs that call fork(). fork() is #defined to vfork() in
"sys/unix.h". The porting effort required for process related code is
substantially reduced by the provision of vfork(), but it's not completely
eliminated. Don't expect things to work if you rely on vfork() as a total
replacement for fork().
* pipe() is provided. Multiple pipes may be in existence at once.
* popen() is provided (both "r" and "w" types).
* memcpy() and memset() have been recoded and improved.
* time() & mktime() have been debugged.
* access() has been debugged.
* errno is now volatile int, and timezone is int.
* The direct/dirent portable directory routines have been recoded
to cope with long filenames.
* mktemp() & mkstemp() are now provided as part of stdio, and have
been debugged. Prototypes are in <stdio.h>.
* Various stdio related bugs have been ironed out (including those
present in v3.4). Output is properly line buffered.
* The termcap library has been touched up - the old 'cd' capability
in the acorn0 and acorn12 entries in /etc/termcap has been removed since
termcap is not allowed to output '\n' or '\r'.
* stricmp(), strnicmp() and strichr() have been added (case insensitive versions). Also strdup().
* Signal handling has been improved (again). RiscOS errors generate
SIGERR, and RiscOS hardware errors generate SIGEMT. SIGEMT is also raised on
stack overflow. SIGSTAK no longer exists. Clib 3.75 has SIGSTAK and SIGOSERROR
instead of SIGEMT and SIGERR respectively. UnixLib properly traps and can
return from *all* signals.
* The command line is scanned in SVC mode, so memory page 0 can be set
ReadOnly to trap dereferences of null pointers.
* All #defines of the form #define xxx xxx have been altered so
Release 4.0 doesn't choke on them in -pcc mode.
* link() is now provided; it renames files. The majority of uses
of link() (renaming, etc.) work with this arrangement.
* The stdio and vfork libraries are linked in using "weak links" -
this means that code that doesn't use stdio won't get linked in with it, and
the same for vfork(). The minimum executable size has been reduced to 24k.
* The RiscOS interface has been extended - see "sys/os.h". You can
pass a null pointer to OS functions that store result registers in integer
arrays, in which case no results are stored. E.g. os_swi(n,0) calls SWI n and
assumes it doesn't require arguments. os_print() is useful for debugging
messages as it guarantees output - note you must use OS newlines with this
i.e. "\r\n" not just "\n" as in UNIX.
* The tty driver has been further debugged and improved, including
provision of the RS423 interface. The tty driver no longer reinitialises
the RS423 interface or the keyboard - it just inherits the current status.
* An exit handler is now installed, so e.g. os_cli("quit") will
do the right thing and exit nicely.
* alarm() & SIGALRM are provided.
* malloc(), etc. have been substantially improved.
* Internal UnixLib I/O has been rewritten and improved. Using Unix$tty
you can make UnixLib programs accept a variety of devices as the controlling
* open() now timestamps written files.
* getcwd() is provided - the prototype char *getcwd(void) is in
"sys/unix.h". getcwd() returns a UNIX style name with the FS/drive in the
initial component. E.g. "/adfs::UnixLib3_4/clib". This may cause problems
with some programs which expect to be able to scan the returned string
as if it were a native RiscOS pathname.
* ioctl() correctly updates the RS423 port with all appropriate
baud rates, parity, word size, etc. as defined in "termio.h"
Please report all bugs to me, and any suggestions for improvement.
I can be contacted at:
Mail: Apt. #512, Lion Mansion, Motoki 1-2-11, Kawasaki-shi, Tokyo 210, Japan
Email: rogersh@fsj.co.jp